The Body Tensegrity method is a holistic combination of massage and movement merged together to realign the body. Through this combination it is possible to quickly produce noticeable changes in how we feel, move and look. Learning to feel your body from the inside is necessary for learning how to move more efficiently and for performing self care. By combining different modalities and methods to suite each of our individual needs we can dial in and explore better movement, deeper relaxation, more strength, more flexibility, less pain, more self awareness and experience a higher sense of well being.

All services performed by an Arizona licensed massage therapist, certified personal trainer, holistic lifestyle coach, and certified in kinesiological stretching. By combining experience, knowledge, different techniques and a passion for helping people, Body Unstuck offers something unique and highly effective.

Offering the following services in the Sierra Vista area.

Who am I? My name is Angela Legrand, I began doing bodywork in 1998 when I studied Zen Shiatsu and Chinese medical theory. I attended Massage school in 2003 and have tried to learn something new every year since. I have studied corrective exercises, Pilates, acupressure, Tui Na, Thai Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Myofascial Release, Bio-mechanics, nutrition, herbal medicine, Yoga, functional/primal movements, quantum physics, and many other related topics. I am an avid reader, I am always hungry to learn something new, I love to be challenged and I want nothing more than to be surrounded by people who also want to be the best version of themselves possible. I have 3 children, I have injured and rehabilitated myself numerous times, and am trying to do my part to contribute something positive to the world.